Month: February 2019

  • Britches Full of Stitches

    This recording was done on a mandolin, nonetheless it is played the same and don’t be thrown.

    Play along if you can

    A2 BC A| BA CA2| A2 BC A| BA F2| A2 BC A| BA Ce| A2 BA FF| EE2:|
    e2 fe C| BABC| e2 fe C| BAF2| e2 fe C| BABC| A2 BA FF| EE2:|

  • Harvest Home

    The easiest way to play a hornpipe is to ( quite literally) bounce from note to note. Listen to the recording and play along, these kinds of tunes are often played at a medium pace. Sometimes playing them quickly can ruin it.


    AF|  DAFA DAFA|  defe dCBA|  eafA gafA| edCB AGFE|  DAFA DAFA| defe dCBA| eAfA geCe|  d2d Cd 😐

    Cd|  eAAA fAAA|  gAfA eAAA|  eAfA gAfA|  efedCBABAGFE| DAFA DAFA|  defe dCBA| eAfA geCe|  d2d Cd:|


  • The BallyDesmond Polkas 1,2 and 3

    Each tune follows the same rule,
    Each part played twice,
    Play tune again.

    Number 1


    D| EAA BCde| FG2A GEED| EAA BCde| fge dba2:|
    aga bagef| gfg ageed| eaa bagef| gedba2:|


    Number 2

    AB| C2 B2 AG| ABd edg| ed eage| dBg ABC e dBA:|

    d| eaa ge dgg| deaa bg2 ed| eage dBG| ABC e dBA2:|


    Number 3

    GABd gfed| eaa bc2 ba| GABd gfed| ea ef g2g:|

    ae ae aee| f gd gd gdd| ae ae aee| f gedBA2A:|














  • Connaught Man’s Rambles

    A nice simple jig, commonly known so if you attend sesiúns you can play along.

    Each part is played twice, the entire tune is played twice.

    T:connaught mans rambles
    AG| FAA dAA| BAB dAG|
    FAA dfe| dBB BAG|
    FAA dAA| BAB def|
    gfe f2e| dBB B2 😐
    g| fbb faa| fef deg|
    fbb faa| fed e2 |
    g| fbb faa| fef def|
    gfe f2e| dbb b2 😐

  • The red haired lass

    Also known as Ag Lomairt Na GCaorach, The Crusheen, Dipping The Sheep, Jim Seery’s, Jim Seery’s, The Kildoney Lasses,
